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Is using Scoop safe?

  • Updated

Whether you're riding or driving with Scoop, safety is always our top priority. You'll know who you're carpooling with through profile photos, Driver vehicle information, verified company information (when available) and full trip details before your carpool starts.

To continue to provide a safe and reliable Scoop experience for our community in light of COVID-19, we implemented Health and Safety guidelines to keep our community safe. These guidelines involve changes to the in-car experience in order to decrease the risk of potential exposure and comply with public health recommendations from the CDC and the WHO.

In order to drive with Scoop, we require all drivers to pass a motor vehicle history check. We also collect and review trip feedback given for every commuter on every trip. Riders and Drivers that do not adhere to our Community Guidelines are removed to maintain a trustworthy and professional environment.

Lastly, when available, we use private and secure GPS information to monitor trip direction and timing to confirm trip efficiency and safety.

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