In order to continue to provide a safe and reliable Scoop experience for our community in light of COVID-19, we've evolved the carpool experience and moved carpooler health to the forefront of everything we do. As part of this effort, we've implemented health and safety guidelines to keep our community safe when commuting to essential jobs.
These guidelines involve changes to the in-car experience in order to decrease the risk of potential exposure and comply with public health recommendations from the CDC and the WHO. We recognize that these changes to the Scoop experience, just like many other changes we're experiencing in our day-to-day lives, may feel odd or uncomfortable at first. We want to thank our carpoolers for continuing to embrace the values of teamwork, respect, safety, and authenticity as we navigate this new normal.
All carpoolers must comply with the following guidelines to use Scoop as well as their own employer's guidelines and any stay-at-home orders for their area.
Please note that these guidelines are subject to change to adhere to updated public health recommendations. Carpoolers should check back regularly to confirm they're following the most up-to-date information.
- All carpoolers must be symptom-free. In order to schedule and take a Scoop trip, every carpooler must meet the following requirements:
- If you've tested positive for Covid - you must be symptom-free for 5 days from your positive test.
- If you're exposed to covid - You must have a negative test regardless of vaccination status.
- Masks are optional.
- All carpoolers are recommended to wear a face mask that covers their nose and mouth during trips. Please refer to the CDC for information on how to correctly wear a mask.
You are aware the 2019 novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) OR other infectious diseases (collectively, the "Disease") ARE HIGHLY CONTAGIOUS and there is a risk that You may be exposed to or contract the Disease by participating in a Scoop carpool. You understand and acknowledge that: 1) such exposure or infection may result in serious illness, personal injury, permanent disability, death, or property damage, 2) this risk may result from or be compounded by the actions, omissions, or negligence of others, and 3) while Scoop has implemented preventative measures to reduce the spread of the Disease, Scoop cannot guarantee that You will not become infected with the Disease while participating in a Scoop carpool. YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU ARE VOLUNTARILY PARTICIPATING IN A SCOOP CARPOOL WITH KNOWLEDGE OF THE DANGER INVOLVED. YOU HEREBY AGREE TO ACCEPT AND ASSUME ALL RISKS OF PERSONAL INJURY, ILLNESS, DISABILITY, DEATH, OR PROPERTY DAMAGE RELATED TO THE DISEASE, ARISING FROM YOUR PARTICIPATION IN A SCOOP CARPOOL, WHETHER CAUSED BY THE NEGLIGENCE OF SCOOP OR OTHERWISE. You hereby expressly waive and release any and all claims, now known or hereafter known, against Scoop, and its officers, directors, employees, agents, affiliates, shareholders, successors, and assigns (collectively, "Releasees"), on account of injury, illness, disability, death, or property damage arising out of or attributable to your participation in a Scoop carpool and being exposed to or contracting the Disease, whether arising out of the negligence of Scoop or any Releasees or otherwise. You covenant not to make or bring any such claim against Scoop or any other Releasee, and forever release and discharge Scoop and all other Releasees from liability under such claims.
The Scoop community is built on the belief that together we can improve the commute. Now, more than ever, working together, supporting each other, and holding one another accountable is crucial. If you see a fellow carpooler in violation of these guidelines, kindly and respectfully say something. If the issue cannot be resolved safely, carpoolers should cancel the carpool and contact ScoopCare.
Have feedback or suggestions on these policies? Please let us know!
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