How is the cost of a solo trip calculated?
Scoop uses the estimated cost per mile suggested by for a medium sized car to provide you with an estimated cost of your current commute and what you would save commuting with Scoop.
$0.49 x number of miles roundtrip x 262 work days = estimated cost of your commute
How is Scoop cheaper and how do you calculate savings?
Trip lengths on Scoop are the same, but the cost is split between everyone in the car. Riders and Drivers save on gas and car maintenance by splitting the cost of the commute.
When estimating savings, Scoop averages what you would save as a Rider (typically about 25-30% of your commute costs, annually) and as a Driver with an average number of passengers (typically about 60-75% of your commute costs, annually).
How is my CO2 savings calculated? How many trees are required to offset the same amount of CO2?
We use formulas and data provided by the EPA, American Forests and other NGOs/agencies to estimate CO2 emissions per mile not driven by Riders who use Scoop.
The EPA estimates that the average mile driven results in emissions of 411 grams (or 0.9061 pounds) of CO2.
The EPA also estimates that the average tree sequesters 5.976 pounds of CO2 per year. So we estimate the equivalent number of trees worth of CO2 by calculating the total pounds of CO2 you'll offset by using Scoop in a year, and dividing that by 5.976.
The formula looks like this:
Pounds of CO2 reduced by Scoop (taking 50% of cars off the road) / 5.976 = number of tree equivalents
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