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How do I set my Top Favorites and Favorites?

  • Updated

You can manage your Favorites and Top Favorites with Scoop from the Carpool favorites page in the app. When carpooling with Scoop, you can set your Favorites and Top Favorites to increase your chances of matching with certain people.

Top Favorites

Having Top Favorites gives you an added layer of predictability and control over who you’ll match with in a carpool. Top Favorites are people you know and trust or otherwise enjoy carpooling with the most. By coordinating your commute with a Top Favorite, you can feel safer when carpooling.

What do I need to do?

  1. Go to the app’s Carpool Favorites page located under the Commute menu.
  2. Send an invite to your Top Favorite by tapping the Add button under Top Favorites. Add them by looking up the email or phone number associated with their Scoop account.
  3. You can also promote a Favorite to one of your Top Favorites by pressing the Edit button next to their name in the Favorites list.
  4. Your selections will receive an invite by email. Once they accept that’s it! Schedule your carpool with overlapping pickup time ranges and make sure only 1 person schedules as a Driver and you’ll be matched.             

What else do I need to know?

  • You can have up to 2 Top Favorites at a time.
  • Your invite must be accepted by your Top Favorite and if you receive an invite you’ll need to accept it to ensure matching together.
  • You can delete a pending invite (outgoing or incoming) in the app by pressing More under the pending invite.
  • You can remove a Top Favorite at any time which sends a notification of the removal to the other commuter.
  • If a group of 3 commuters selects each other as Top Favorites and schedules overlapping pickup time ranges and 1 of them requests as a Driver they will match in a 3-person carpool.
  • Since all commuters can select 2 Top Favorites you may not always match with your Top Favorite if they match with their other Top Favorite. To ensure you match with them you can add the third person as your second Top Favorite.


Adding a fellow carpooler as a Favorite lets us know who you enjoy carpooling with the most. We will try to match you with this carpooler on future trips. If you decide that you always want to match with them, you can add them as a Top Favorite.

Adding someone as a Favorite will increase your chances of matching with them if you are commuting to similar locations around the same time. Adding and removing someone from your Favorites will not guarantee matching or not matching with someone.

You can add anyone you want as a Favorite by tapping the Add a Favorite button in the Carpool Favorites page. Add them by looking up the email or phone number associated with their Scoop account, or from your contacts.

If they aren’t using Scoop yet, we’ll email or text them your referral code*. Once they join, we’ll add them to your Favorites.

If you’d like to remove them from your Favorites, simply tap the Edit button and confirm that you’d like to remove them from your Favorites. They will not be notified.

*The referral code will need to be entered on the Payments screen in the app’s Activity & Payments tab which is found in the Account Menu.


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